How to Install Your Boston BA375 USB speakers on a Windows XP computer

1. Download driver from

2. Install the driver

3. Reboot your PC with the speakers on and connected

Now the Important Bit

4. Go to Device Manager

Look under Human Interface Devices

5. Select USB Human Interface Device and update the driver

6. Manually select the driver (i will choose from a list)

You should see the Boston USB driver listed here

Ignore the has not passed windows certification...crap and continue

7. The install will ask for the Boston Acoustic Disc - click OK

Browse and go to /windows/system32/drivers

You will find the file there.

Your speakers should now work.

* You may have to go through steps 4 - 7 if you unplug the speakers and change the usb port it is connected to.

Hope this helps you!

Regards Dominic